Dear fellow community members,
It is my privilege to put myself, Kate Bannon, forward for the position of trustee on the New Hyde Park-Garden City Park School District Board of Education. I am both a community member and a veteran teacher with expertise in traditional in-person education and virtual learning.
Throughout my career, I’ve gone from volunteering to educate adults in a basic literacy program to leading the English department in a multilingual International Baccalaureate independent school, to teaching all elementary school levels working with at-risk youth in New York City public schools, to here, as a proud Mustang mom!
While there are few careers more meaningful than teaching, it is time to make an impact on a larger scale here at home.
Education is the most powerful form of activism. There is no greater liberation than that which comes from learning. As such, there is no greater service than equipping others with the tools they need to change the world.
One of the most significant compliments of my career came from a student who told me, “You don’t teach us what to think. You teach us how to think.”
Fostering advocacy among the school community is a priority and we must consider the current state of education both locally and globally to forge ahead with compassion and purpose.
The beauty of my vision is that it derives its support through deep dedication to youth without reaching deep into our pockets. We matter. Let’s make every child and their families know that they are important, cared about and respected within our community.
My heart, mind and soul are invested in the betterment of education for all and I firmly believe that with empathy, anything is possible. I look forward to serving our community by building an environment where we feel safe, a sense of belonging, and excitement in the pursuit of knowledge in the position of Trustee on the NHP-GCP School District Board of Education.
Kate Bannon