Readers Write: Why GN trustee given absentee ballot

Readers Write: Why GN trustee given absentee ballot

Attention Ben Elihu, Leon Ebrani, and Eli Hematian:

After reading your letters that appeared in the Great Neck News last week, I feel compelled to respond and divulge information that many who are connected with the Great Neck Public Schools and/or who are in my circle of friends have known for a great number of years.

I receive absentee ballot status for medical reasons, and it is my choice whether to vote in person or by absentee ballot. My oncologist feels that I should have the ability to make this decision as, periodically, my chemo injections fall on a Tuesday, and it’s not advisable to be in close proximity to so many people, especially with those who choose to go maskless and/or not be vaccinated, as is their right.

I make neither a secret of this nor would I have expected to disclose it in a newspaper, but I felt I had no choice as you continue to seek ways to remove me from my position as a Board of Education trustee.

The time has come to accept the victorious result of the community-wide school vote, held in May, affirming my re-election to a three-year seat on the Great Neck Board of Education.

While I doubt that you will apologize to me about the attempt to defame me, I request that you cease your unwarranted attack on my character and integrity.

Thank you.

Barbara Berkowitz
Great Neck

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  1. This sounds like another case of falsifying.

    If the Medical issues / illness were involved, why did Ms. Berkowitz have to lie in her letter with the title “Reflections after a victorious election”

    “Personally, I even chose to vote by absentee ballot in order to avoid being seen at my specific polling place as any conflict of interest”

    (You can search any of the two statements in the quotes and find her letter – paragraph 7)

    Could she be trusted with her decisions if she is not forthright?


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