Readers Write: Why Democrats fear Nov. 3 rout

Readers Write: Why Democrats fear Nov. 3 rout

After the 2016 presidential election, Democrats were consumed with anger, indignation, fury. They had basked in the previous eight years of Barack Obama beginning his transformation of our Democratic Republic into a socialist utopia and were blind with rage that Hillary had been denied the next eight years to complete the mission.

Even more infuriating was the fact that everything the 2016 victor stood for was a repudiation of a half-century of leftist strivings. Not only stood for, but promised to overturn, be they sky-high taxes, open borders, a weakened military, flawed foreign treaties, ongoing wars, and generations of impoverished, imprisoned, uneducated Blacks, et al.

Countering nearly 250 years of the peaceful transition of presidential power, Democrats launched a four-year war against President Trump, manufacturing a Russian-collusion hoax, a Ukraine hoax, a Stormy Daniel hoax, an impeachment hoax, on and on. But all came to naught and, worse, were found to involve systemic corruption at the highest reaches of the Obama regime––corruption involving crimes as serious as sedition and treason!

Next came the China virus, not only bringing our economy––and the entire world––to a halt, but giving rise to unrestrained violence by anarchist groups in about 15 Democrat-run cities. Then President Trump tested positive for the corona virus and was hospitalized to the everlasting––and unseemly––glee of some Democrats.

Now it is only a couple of weeks till the presidential election and the anger that once animated Democrats has been replaced by fear––stark, bug-eyed, white-knuckle, deadly dread.

Quick, they demand of the media: Report a rise in Covid-19 cases and NOT A WORD about Hunter Biden. Hurry, they call to Twitter: Shut down the president’s multimillion-followers account. Attention, they tell their pollsters: Increase those Biden-Kalamity numbers! Head’s up, they call to the tech giants: Kill the ads and positive messages about Trump. Yoo hoo debate moderators: To Trump, get out your machetes! Listen up, they say to their ballot harvesters and voter-fraud experts: quadruple your efforts.

Why this desperation? Because the Democrats also read the inside polling and know things are looking grim. Especially because a Trump victory will bring with it a swift avalanche of overdue indictments and ultimate imprisonments that all the corrupt operatives––including Obama and Biden––inflicted not only on President Trump but on America itself. That’s what the fear is really all about.

Joan Swirsky
Great Neck

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