I have a most profound theological question. Now we have been taught by our religious leaders that if we lived a good life, our reward would be that we would go to heaven for all eternity.
Now do any of us really know what eternity really is? Scientists say it is where time has no meaning.
As human beings, we know time as a measurement for everything we do and unfortunately there is never enough time to spare. We go to and fro across this planet we call Earth and try to do what has to be done for the good of others and the survival of our family and to all that we hold most dear.
Again, as human beings, we need to be kept busy with things to do. I’m almost 70 years old now and have come to my grasp of my mortality. I don’t know what time I have left, but I’m interested what I will do in heaven if I make it there.
I wonder what our heavenly father has planned for us in the next life. I therefore wonder what our religious leaders teach us on that question. Please let me know because inquiring minds need to know.
Frederick R. Bedell, Jr.