Readers Write: Turano best qualified for Munsey Park village justice

Readers Write: Turano best qualified for Munsey Park village justice

I am writing this letter in support of John Turano for the position of village justice for the Village of Munsey Park.

I have been a resident of Manhasset for 43 years and have had the pleasure of being a close neighbor of John for the past eight years.

My wife, Patty, was also fortunate to study law under the guidance of John’s wife, Peggy, where Peggy has held positions as both dean and professor at St. John’s Law School.

Village Courts, in general, are incredibly unique due to the intimate relationship between the motorists and justices.

I believe John Turano has done an exemplary job at representing the Village of Munsey Park in this position.

He is informative and approachable to the motorists while instilling in them the importance of safety to our community.

I have personally seen John while acting as village justice explain how important the traffic control devices and parking regulations are to the safety of our children and the integrity of the community.

Similarly, the village justice is responsible for adjudicating matters with regard to neighbors which can be very difficult.  I believe that John has shown the ability to interpret the local statutes fairly and justly.

John is a good neighbor and a great candidate for Village Justice.

Please vote to re-elect John Turano as Village Justice on March 20 and re-elect Jennifer Noone and elect Anthony Sabino as village trustees.

Drew Miller

Munsey Park

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