President Trump, as part of his appalling strategy of dividing the country and appealing to people’s fears and uneasiness over changing demographics, has often referred to the COVID-19 pandemic as the “China virus” or the “China pandemic.”
During the recent pro-Trump car rally in Great Neck racist anti-Chinese comments were heard which clearly reflect the impact of the president’s campaign messages.
I want to assure the local Asian community that the Democratic Party, our leadership at the national, state, county levels – and right here in Great Neck – reject and denounce these efforts and stand with all our residents, no matter their race, religion or national origin.
I call upon our local Republican elected and party officials to do the same.
Steven Markowitz, President
Great Neck Democratic Club
Please note both articles predate the COVID-19 pandemic:
Upscale community with a changing population
By Chau Lam Published: Nov. 17, 2019
“While Asian students made up 15.1 percent of the population in Great Neck North High School in 2017-18, they were the majority, at 53.5 percent, in Great Neck South High School.
In the last decade or so, as Asians move to Great Neck, some said differences between the newcomers and the more established population have led to tensions.”
Readers Write: Markowitz unfairly attacked in my (James Wu) mayoral race, The Island Now, July 8, 2019
“In the utmost height of intolerance, individuals attack Steve Markowitz, the chair of the Holocaust and Tolerance Center, for supporting a non-Jewish candidate, a Chinese-American veteran for mayor and a black woman for trustee. Steve Markowitz is a man who has worked tirelessly to fight intolerance across Long Island and New York, from helping kids in our schools stand up to bullies and intolerance, to fighting intolerance in our backyard. And, for this effort, he is now being attacked. These attacks and threats against Steve Markowitz are unjustified, reprehensible, divisive and damaging to the future of our community.”
LMAO, look whose talking: same Markowitz who sent out an email against Orthodox Jews in 2015. “Come on man, would you shut up?!”
Saw the whole thing from beginning to end. It wasn’t a pretty sight endangering the patrons at the Parkwood Sports complex.
Thank you Great Neck Democratic Club for this responsible and necessary statement. It is important that our leadership renounce hateful statements directed at our Asian community and insularity. “Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” Elie Wiesel