Readers Write: Trump treated unfairly by letter-writer

Readers Write: Trump treated unfairly by letter-writer

I am writing this letter in response to that written by Mr. Jay Feldman from the Friday, May 5 edition of the Roslyn Times.

Mr. Feldman describes President Trump as a threat to our national security and our country’s moral fabric.  His incendiary and ignorant letter needs a retort.

To begin with, Mr. Feldman critiques President Trump’s “bashing” of China, Iran, North Korea, NATO and NAFTA.

To that I can say it is about time someone did some  “bashing”.  They all deserve it.

I cannot go into detail due to the size limitations of a letter to the editor.

So let me say that China is militarizing the South China Sea, Iran is promoting terrorism and developing a nuclear arsenal, North Korea is led by a family of mass murdering psychopaths, NATO refuses to fund monies for its own defense, and NAFTA can certainly be improved for the American side..

The letter then turns to a discussion on diplomacy.  In one of many absurd comments, Mr. Feldman writes “In an area where precision is everything…”

What? Where precision is everything? What a joke.

Precision is nothing in diplomacy.  A lot of it is posturing, innuendo and outright treachery.

I prefer Trumps’ style.  He comes out with an extreme position and then negotiates from there.  That was uncharacteristic of our previous presidents.

He also changes positions, not out of indecision, but as a tactic.

It seems to be working, i.e. China’s new found criticism of North Korea is one example.

Mr. Feldman mocks Trump wanting to reset relations with Russia.

I do not remember Mr. Feldman writing about the Obama reset with Russia.  Putin took Obama to the cleaners.

It was a man pitted against a child.  Putin conquered the Crimea, invaded eastern Ukraine, and got a foothold in the Mideast again after having lost it decades ago.

Trump couldn’t do worse than Obama.

Do you want to see more of Obama’s “precision diplomacy” in action?

He talked Ukraine into giving up their nuclear arms with a promise of protection under an American defense umbrella.

Then, when Russia invades, he offers no protection.

Obama also showed a lot of “precision diplomacy” with Iran, regarding that pathetic nuclear deal.

It had unverifiable inspections and deceitful “off the record” payments to the Iran regime.

Another example of “precision diplomacy” was that of Bill Clinton.

Do you remember his billion-dollar bribe to North Korea not to build a nuclear weapon?

Well, they proceeded to build it anyway.

Trump looks very good in comparison and he will get better with experience.

If it was legally actionable, Mr. Feldman could be sued for saying there were links to Russia during the Trump campaign.

There were none.

But didn’t Putin make large contributions to the Clinton Foundation?

Didn’t John Podesta also have commercial links to Russia?   How about investigating those?

Mr. Feldman then criticized Trump for raising tensions with North Korea.  It is about time.

I want that psychopath taken out before he has long range missiles that are capable of reaching the U.S.  I want him taken out now!

He has threatened us and other countries before.  We have negotiated with his father and him for decades.  It has all been fruitless.

He cooperates with Iran and Syria by providing nuclear technology.  Finally, someone has the guts to confront them.

Mr. Feldman says Trump was undiplomatic to invite President Duterte of the Philippines for a meeting.

What is Mr. Feldman talking about?

Trump was looking for another ally against North Korea and against China militarizing the South China Sea.

President Duterte is now leaning towards China as an ally and might leave the American orbit of influence.

This was due to the “precision diplomacy “of Obama.

Since Mr. Feldman seems not to like the idea of Duterte making extra judicial killings, I wonder if he ever wrote about Obama meeting with Putin, Castro, Chavez, and the Palestinians, among others.

Did they not participate in extra judicial killings?

Mr. Feldman’s rant continues with the lie that Trump attacks immigrants.

Aside from the fact that Trump married an immigrant, Trump only attacked illegal immigrants.

I guess that was too subtle for Mr. Feldman to grasp.

Trump’s also alleged attacks on Muslims are more honestly described as an attempt to protect Americans from the type of terrorist violence we now see in Europe.

What’s wrong with that?  How many Americans would Mr. Feldman like to sacrifice to the God of diversity?   The court decisions cited by Mr. Feldman regarding those executive orders were issued by Obama-appointed judges.

They did not make their decisions on the basis of the executive order presented in front of them.

Being the political hacks that they are, they used Trump’s campaign rhetoric as a reason for their decision.

Since when should campaign rhetoric be an influence on a presidential executive order?  They should decide on the legality of the order before them using case law as a precedent.

These are rogue judges who should be impeached.

Mr. Feldman continues with complaints about the attacks on the Paris climate accords and, as hard as it is to believe, says Trump is a” threat to human sustainability of life on earth?”

Despite the deceit constantly propagated, there is no consensus that has ever proven that the present global warming trend is anthropogenic.

The reason so much is made of global warming is that it can be used as a tactic to saddle corporations with a carbon tax.

It is also a way for politically connected  ”crony socialists” to get energy subsidies for otherwise profitless companies.

Don’t forget about educational grants for dishonest climate research.

See Michelle Malkin’s expose on Tom Steyer.

Had enough?  Unfortunately, Mr. Feldman is not done.

Mr. Feldman continues with the economy and tax cuts.  “…Republicans, who falsely mocked Democratic budgets as budget busting, create those lost revenues through ‘dynamic scoring’ which most economists dismiss in the same way they discredit supply side economics.”

This has to be one of the most ill-informed and deceitful sentences I have ever read.

I happen to know which economists Feldman  is referring too, i.e.  Krugman, Steiglitz, Blindner, etc.  They are not highly regarded now.

But Arthur Laffer, who was one of the supply siders, still has his reputation intact.  Supply-side economics and “dynamic scoring” have never been discredited.

The famous quote regarding “voodoo economics” was dead wrong.

The same disparagement was made regarding Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts.

Reagan’s economy boomed and tax revenues exploded with it.

The Democratic budgets, with Obama at the helm, ran the largest deficits in history.

They doubled our national debt in only eight years; a previous debt that took 236 years to accumulate.

Mr. Feldman resents Republican tax cuts for wealthy.  I love the idea.  It will grow the economy.

You have to have capital to invest.  Where will you get that capital?  You will get it from the wealthy.

Low income citizens do not even pay income taxes.  So how can you cut taxes for them?

Middle income citizens do pay taxes and I am for a cut, especially for pass-through business entities.

But capital from the wealthy is necessary.   Income taxes, at the highest marginal rates, determine behavioral incentives more than middle-class income tax rates.

He continues, “Democratic revenue projections, however well supported by independent analyses,…“  What baloney!

I am not impressed by Mr. Feldman’s independent analysts.

We were promised a growing economy for all eight years of the Obama administration.

Growth was always around the corner but it never came.  For the first time in our history, the U.S. did not have even one year of 3 percent growth during the eight years.

We also, for the first time in our history, have more businesses closing than opening.

Recently, our productivity actually went negative.

Another pathetic remark refers to the idea that Republican administrations have led us to deep economic downturns. A blatant lie!

I am old enough to remember the disastrous economic malaise of Jimmy Carter.

I remember the bursting of the bubble under Bill Clinton in 2000.

I remember the Wall Street Journal editorial in 1996 warning Bill Clinton that Fannie May was distorting the mortgage market. Clinton ignored it.

So I blame the real estate crisis of 2008 on Bill Clinton, who promoted that bubble by allowing Fannie May to underwrite “ninja loans” (no income, no job, no assets) to anyone with a pulse.

Unfortunately, the crisis peaked on George Bush’s watch and Clinton avoided the blame he so richly deserved.

One last remark accuses Trump of enhancing the value of his own organization.

If you want to talk about illicit, unethical enhancement, no one matches the Clinton’s.

When it comes to corruption, they are in a league by themselves.

The Clinton Global initiative and the Clinton Foundation were much larger scams than even Bernie Madoff.

Mr. Feldman finishes with an insincere concern for the workers who voted for Trump.  When did he or the Democrats ever give a damn about the American worker until the recent election?

Democrats only displayed an interest for unions which gave them large campaign donations and electioneering volunteers.

Democrats falsely view themselves as genuinely caring about those less well off.

Yet it is they who have destroyed the purchasing power of the working class with their policies.  What does a nickel bottle of coke cost now?
Dr. Wayne Roth

Roslyn Heights

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