Years ago Hollywood created a comedy called “The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming” — a military movie.
Fast forward to 2017.
“The Chinese Are Coming, The Chinese Are Coming” — believe me.
Not in a military way, but with technology and capitalism copying what has been happening in America for years. For instance:
In The Wall Street Journal on 6/16/17: “in China, a Quantum Leap” — Scientists’ advances involving light particles move country closer to ‘unhackable’ network -—Chinese scientists have succeeded in sending specially linked pairs of light particles from space to Earth, an achievement experts say gives China a leg up in using quantum technology to build an “unhackable” global communication network. The result is a breakthrough that establishes China as a pioneer in efforts to harness the enigmatic properties of matter and energy at the sub atomic level, the experts said.”
The Wall Street Journal on 6/16/17: “U.S. government leaders warned in a September 2016 technical meeting convened by the National Security Agency and the DOE that the country was in danger of losing its leadership in supercomputers to China. Governments have long used these systems to crack codes and develop nuclear weapons…”
Our response to this Chinese technical threat was this — same article: “The U.S. Department of Energy said Thursday that it would award $258 million over three years to be shared by six technology companies as part of a plan to develop new supercomputers that can crunch data at least 50 times faster than the nation’s most powerful systems today.”
Game on, China!
Chinese investors move into the U.S. WSJ on 6/15/17: “A buyout group backed by a Chinese company has been declared the winner at a bankruptcy auction for the Mountain Pass rare earths mine, the sole U.S. source of elements essential to electronics devices.” One win for China in America.
Capitalists in China are on the move. WSJ 6/14/17: “China’s outbound tourism industry is growing rapidly. China’s biggest online travel site is challenging Priceline to become the world’s biggest online travel platform.”
I really love this one: WSJ ON 6/20/17 — “American homes are brimming with products made in China. This week Alibaba Group Holding chairman Jack Ma will put on a show to help U.S. entrepreneurs flip the script. In a two-day event starting Tuesday in Detroit, the e-commerce giant will offer an expected 3,000 U.S. small business owners tips on how to market and ship their wares to Chinese consumers.” Seems like the Chinese want to work with us.
Another example. WSJ on 6/15/17 — “China approved imports of two new varieties of genetically modified crops clearing the way for U.S. agricultural companies to market new biotech seeds to farmers.” Seems China wants to be our friends.
Talk about China wanting to join the capitalist way of doing things! WSJ on 6/22/17 — “Chinese conglomerate HNA Group Co. is copying the financing strategies of hedge funds and private-equity firms as it pursued its quest to become one of the world’s largest companies. HNA, s sprawling group that operates in everything from airlines to hotels, has been on an overseas acquisition spree.”
Check this out. WSJ on 6/11/17 — “…a giant Chinese glassmaker arrived in Moraine, Ohio in 2014 and began spending what would become more than a half-billion dollars to fix up an abandoned General Motors plant….creating more than 1,500 jobs.”
And how about Hollywood? WSJ on 4/19/17 – “Hollywood Doesn’t Work Without China” — Chinese investors and more than a billion potential moviegoers have made China indispensable to the film business. The country’s box office total last year, at $6.6 billion, was the world’s second largest compared with the first-place U.S., $11.4 billion. In a few years, analysts predict, China will be No. 1.”
There is no doubt in my mind that China and America will be BFF.
The nut job killer dictator in North Korea had better take notice. He was used as a puppet of China for years. Those days are over.
If he doesn’t change his ways soon, he will be dead within a couple of years. Guaranteed.
John Messina
East Williston