First of all Dr. Fried, have someone read my previous letter to you and explain the words since you have a reading comprehension problem.
I had pointed out that Trump was breaking the law by not imposing further sanctions on Russia.
A law that he, himself, had signed. A law that required him to impose the sanctions. Duh. “Trump’s election is a salvation to decent people.”
Are you kidding me? Decent? That man?
The man who ridiculed disabled reporter?
The man who disrespected a POW who has permanent injuries from the torture?
The man who has disrespected two Gold Star families?
The man who, when asked what he and his daughter have in common replied “sex”?
The man who has stupid childish names for people (no nickname for his BFF Putin though) like a 5-year-old?
The man who referred to receiving Communion as “eating the little cracker”?
The king of birtherism.
That man?
That man could not find decent in the dictionary.
Obviously, neither can you.
I don’t know what the heck you are talking about with the Monica Lewinsky nonsense.
That is the stupidest paragraph I’ve read in a long time.
How was the 40-year-old Monica supposed to wind up in the West Wing? Was Bill Clinton going to invite her? Kidnap her as a sex slave?
What we do have in the White House is people playing drinking games. On the taxpayers’ dime.
In closing Mr. Decent People I have just one question. Can you spell Stormy Daniels?
Maryellen Scherer
New Hyde Park