Over the past few years, parents of our students have become increasingly aware of the high stakes consequences associated with the ELA and Mathematics tests for third- through eighth-grade children.
Last year, parents throughout the state and in our district opted to refuse the grade three-eight tests for their children.
While it would be inappropriate for an individual teacher to advise a parent on “opting-out” of the state tests, we hope that you can use this informational letter to help you form your own decision regarding your child’s educational experience.
The New Hyde Park-Garden City Park Teachers’ Association, as well as our state affiliate NYSUT, fully supports parents’ right to choose what is best for their children and a parent’s right to refuse the state standardized tests if the parent believes state testing is inappropriate and/or may be harmful to his or her child.
While the New York State Education Department’s overreliance on state tests creates unfortunate consequences for students, teachers and schools, please know that we value your children as more than a test score.
Ralph L. Ratto
President, New Hyde Park- Garden City Park Teachers’ Association
The only thing you believe in is the Triborough Amendment.