Readers Write: Start the new year off right with the right kind of resolutions

Readers Write: Start the new year off right with the right kind of resolutions

It’s January 2019 and another year of resolutions where many will fail or to be forgotten as the year goes on. Some will make resolutions to lose weight, get healthy habits, exercise and even generate a positive nature.

Well, let’s do things that we can all accomplish and that will take little effort. Let’s do things for others by giving to our local charities, food kitchens, food pantries, and even giving the gift of life by donating blood if we can.

There are other things we can do and that is wherever we go like a store, business or apartment, please open a door for a neighbor or stranger. When we get on a bus, train or subway, please give up a seat for a handicap or elderly person and, in genera, show acts of kindness for those in need and only if just a kind word.

All these things, I feel, are things we all can do for others to make our communities better places to live and that are good New Year’s resolutions in my book.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


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