The recent off-year elections proved to be a “blue wave” for the Democrats.
We won the House, exceeded expectations in the Senate, and won a number of down-ballot elections. So, bring on 2020! We will do even better then.
I say this because demographics are on our side. Minority groups have, historically, voted Democratic as illustrated
in the number of blacks, Jews and Latinos who pull the Democratic lever or, more accurately, blacken the circle.
I have omitted Asians, LGBTQ, and college-educated women all of whom are trending Democratic.
As long as we have a president who is xenophobic and misogynistic, the future of the Democratic Party is bright. There is no way that Trump can expect young women or minorities to have an epiphany and vote Republican.
The GOP is the party of old white men and, as such, they are doomed to minority status among the electorate.
The list of defunct political parties is long. It includes the Federalist, Whig, Free Soil, Greenback-Labor, Prohibition, and States’ Rights parties. My advice to Republicans. “Don’t slam the door on your way out!”
Dr. Hal Sobel
Great Neck