Readers Write: Singling out church figure in cartoon shows bias against Catholics

Readers Write: Singling out church figure in cartoon shows bias against Catholics

I am outraged at the editorial cartoon that appeared in the March 30 edition of the Williston Times.

The depiction of a cross wearing male, presumably high ranking clergy, as the sole opponent of the proposed Nw York State Childs Victim Act clearly was a swipe at Christians generally and I believe an overt attack on the Catholic church specifically.

While an article in your paper appearing on page 24 mentioned the Catholic Church as being opposed to the legislation, they were not alone.

Rather, as described in the article, among other opponents were the Boy Scouts of America and the Orthodox Jewish Community. Yet, the editorial depiction singled out the Christian religious leader as the lone opponent.

 Without debating the objectives of the law, I found this representation particularly offensive because it appeared in the edition that coincided with Holy Week, the most sacred time of the Christian calendar. 

I can’t help but conclude that you have an anti-Catholic bias that could not be tempered or suppressed in presenting your support for the proposed legislation.

You are certainly entitled to express your bias in your editorial presentations. Likewise, I am entitled to refuse to tolerate or support such bigotry.

 Please immediately cancel my subscription to the Williston Times.


Edward F. Murphy

East Williston 

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