I must respond to the Op-Ed written by appointed Long Beach City Manager Jack Schnirman, who was recently censured and banned for life from the International City Managers Association for his unethical behavior.
Therefore, it’s no surprise, Schnirman’s opinion piece completely misrepresents my job title, my position on needed reforms and on NIFA, (the Nassau County Interim Finance Authority).
I was a New York State Assemblyman when we created NIFA in 2000.
It was a vehicle for Nassau County to borrow at AAA rates to save the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars, and help the county climb out of its deficit.
My point was simply that NIFA has served its purpose for the past 17 years and it is high-time for Nassau to stand on its own without our state-imposed financial overseers.
Nassau County’s finances have improved significantly.
But don’t believe me, believe the three rating agencies Standard and Poor, Fitch and Moody’s, who have recently given Nassau an “A+” rating. Even the NIFA chairman has stated that Nassau County has made significant progress. I unequivocally state there is more work to be done, but I believe we are on track to free ourselves from the control board status.
Schnirman also wrote that I opposed needed reforms in my position as chief compliance officer for Nassau County.
This is simply untrue.
In fact, the New York State Reform Party has endorsed me for county comptroller because they believe my plan for Nassau County best reflects their party’s ideals.
Under Jack Schnirman’s management, the City of Long Beach has suffered.
From his appointment in 2012 to now, the city has seen 30 percent tax increases, water and sewer fees have increased exponentially, and the city’s long-term debt has more than doubled from $48 million to $113 million.
He calls it his Smart Recovery but there is nothing smart about raising taxes, doubling debt and increasing spending by $30 million dollars.
Schnirman is error-prone and inexperienced and the people of Long Beach deserve better.
When he failed to respond to a $50 million lawsuit, it resulted in a default judgment against the city’s taxpayers.
Between his shady dealing with iStar, and his complete lack of ethics Jack, the self-proclaimed “corruption fighter,” is asleep at the switch and now it’s time for the city voters to wake up to what is happening to their beautiful city.
Jack Schnirman doesn’t know much about the job of county comptroller and what it demands.
I served as chief deputy comptroller and I know exactly what the job entails.
Desperation has set in and Jack Schnirman has resorted to lies, name-calling and the politics of personal destruction.
Well, let’s be clear, I hit back Jack and I will fight for the people.
By the time this campaign is over, Nassau County voters will be saying we really don’t know Jack!
Steve Labriola
Republican, Reform, &
Conservative Candidate for County Comptroller