I am having my share of March Madness and have only time for a few comments this week.
I commented on Philip A. Raises article of Feb. 10, 2017 about roads and bridges (infrastructure) saying regarding the roads on which I drove, “The pavement is in excellent condition and nothing about the bridges drew my attention.”
In Mr. Raices’ article March 10, 2017 he slants the meaning of what I said.
He begins the next paragraph “But, you need to understand…” I did not allow myself to feel belittled.
In the next paragraph he states that I ascertained and made a statement that our highway system is up to date and in fine condition. I did not say or insinuate that.
Sometime in the future I will elaborate on my travels over the roads.
These subtleties are in a way related to this week’s crossword puzzle. One question-clue is “Requiring fewer resources? “
The puzzles answer “economic.”
Well, that is an adjective, (economics is a noun). A suitable answer would however be economical but it would not fit the spaces.
Grammar is important. This is not to say that we don’t have our oddball expressions that make a point and are understood.
Mr. Raises gives the idea that real estate is a major producer in our economy.
From what I can see, real estate only changes hands and produces nothing except perhaps wealth for the agents, which is therefore a loss for the seller and buyer.
Plus minus minus equals zero.
Even a person who makes such as hammers in a ‘lower’ profession produces something.
They are a tool that makes and repairs and that is also production.
To end this discussion, I am sure that agents are not stuck with paying the fees for filing documents and whatever taxes are involved.
Therefore, transferring real estate is actually a loss for the economy.
Also in the news: I am disheartened by what George Maragos has been saying. He is concentrated on beating down his opposition and has not to date proposed anything worthwhile.
He is supporting the status quo as being okay which most everyone knows is not true.
Is he really still a Republican wolf in Democrat sheep’s clothing?
Republican is associated with a Republic where the people are mute as opposed to a Democrat with a Democracy with Government By and for The People: Liberty and justice for all.
We now have as I was told, Trump a republican eliminating funding for the NEA from the budget.
I have been asked by The President of The American Federation of Musicians to get the word out in support of the NEA which does much more good than the amount of its price tag.
Charles Samek