Readers Write: Following health measures saves lives

Readers Write: Following health measures saves lives

Gov. Cuomo on Wednesday ordered New Yorkers to wear masks when in public places in order to safeguard our health as well as others.

Now this includes when traveling on public transportation and in close contact with others. We should also be at least six feet from others.

In addition to that Mayor de Blasio has asked grocery stores and supermarkets should require shoppers to cover their mouths and noses with some form of a mask.

Now on my job my boss said we are to wear masks and gloves on the job as of Friday and not just on the outside. I feel this should have been required a month ago and maybe fewer people would have gotten sick or have died.

Now as for myself considering I’m over 70 years old, I have been wearing a mask for two weeks now.

I fully realize the importance of wearing a mask, social distances, and washing of hands frequently.

So let us all do the right thing and enacting these health measures and by doing so we can save lives and that means our own lives as well. Now be safe, be smart and be well.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


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