Readers Write: Open-border leftists dominate Nassau

Readers Write: Open-border leftists dominate Nassau

So Steve Blank and his in-house leftists, Hal Sobel and Karen Rubin (both regular contributors), support illegal immigration and argue for more of the same — all at the expense and to the detriment of legal American citizens. How disgraceful.

Blank recently hosted a so-called forum on immigration whereby so-called experts (aka activists) all spoke out in favor of illegal aliens and issuing drivers licenses for them, to boot. No balance or consideration was given to persons holding opposing viewpoints, so this so-called “open forum” was anything but and served only as a rally for the open-border leftists who populate so much of Long Island and, in particular, the North Shore of Nassau County.

Lawrence Levy, a recognized liberal Democrat realizes that his political party’s growth is keyed to bringing in more immigrants so he basically tows the party line.  And as for the very Anglo-sounding Patrick Young, he should demonstrate some compassion for his fellow American citizens instead of some Central] American refugees who oftentimes refuse to learn and speak the English language like every other ethnic group managed to do in the past.

Why do they feel so privileged and entitled to demand that we learn their language and how in the world are they going to be able to understand our English-language road signs if the leftist Democrats in Albany grant illegal aliens to right to drive in New York?

I am so tired of this white liberal political correctness, especially from these hypocritical socialist Democrats and other cowardly politicians.

My grandparents had to not only endure anti-Italian and anti-Catholic bigotry but learn English as well. And they did so and prospered. Unfortunately assimilation today is considered by leftists, illegal aliens and Democrats as xenophobic and that is why these so-called “open forums” are little more than left-wing rallies for anti-American activists.

I know you won’t print this letter, but I can assure you that there are tens of millions of us out here who feel the same way as I do. And no, Mr. Blank, we do not wear white hoods and fly Confederate flags, which we find equally repugnant.

Paul Giarmo


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