Readers Write: Obama’s home purchase proves climate change lie

Readers Write: Obama’s home purchase proves climate change lie

Thank you President Obama!

You have confirmed what the vast amount of Americans believe. That capitalism is terrific.

Consider this. With his law degree, he tried to help people in Chicago with his community hope and change activity. He went on to become a United States senator. Then he became president of the United States. Talk about moving up the economic ladder. It did not end there.

He received a$ 60,000,000 book advance. And now he is producing movies for Netflix. Talk about black privilege! No different than white privilege…the privilege of living in the United States.

And he uttered his thoughts on the Global Warming/Climate Change discussion.

A few years ago it was predicting the destruction of the earth, Manhattan would be underwater as the seas rose. It didn’t happen.

Today, the crazy leftists are now saying in just eleven years the same doomsday scenario is upon us. And those living near the water’s edge are in trouble.

Enter President Obama.

He has no such fears. He has just purchased a $14.85 million Martha Vineyard home. The property sits on Edgartown Great Pond, an 890- acre body of water separated from the Atlantic by a slim barrier beach.

He is scared that he and his family will be washed away.

John Messina

East Williston

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