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Readers Write: New Yorkers can’t afford their state any longer

A Quinnipiac survey has just come out and brought out that 41 percent of those living in New York can’t afford to live here. New York is pricing out the middle class.

According to the survey, these are some of the average costs: one gallon of milk, $4.43; draft beer, $7; average cost of Uber ride, $22; movie ticket, $16; meal for two, $80; Manhattan apartment, $3,116; outer-borough, one-bedroom apartment, $1,198; and the list goes on.

In my opinion, these higher costs are causing many to become homeless.

My wife and I are on Social Security and barely make it. I’m going to be 70 years old this year and I am still working. I guess I will work till I get too sick to work anymore. Now, what’s wrong with that picture?

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The old and the poor are suffering the most. Something must be done or many that can will move out of New York. And as a political activist named Jimmy McMillan once said, “The rents are too damn high!” Ain’t that the truth.

Frederick Bedell Jr.


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