The below list was accomplished by our President, in office for only two years, despite furious opposition by the Democratic party, by the mainstream media, and by a substantial part of the Republican party. One can only imagine what he would have done had he had any cooperation.
- After decades of blackmail, Trump stopped North Korea missile intimidation. “My red button is bigger than yours.”
- After decades, Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem. Congress approved it, but no president had the courage to proceed with it. After it was moved, the Democrats, who voted for it, refused to attend the dedication.
- Finally, after decades, someone finally confronts China and their theft and violations of copyright and patent law. American technology will no longer be stolen in such a brazen manner.
- While Obama did nothing to stop China from militarizing and seizing the South China Sea shipping lanes for themselves, Trump is confronting them. Those sea lanes have been open access to all for centuries.
- Finally, after decades, someone confronts Canada and other countries, for their deceit in demanding permission to make generic copies of our pharmaceuticals. Until now, it meant Americans must pay higher drug prices to subsidize lower prices for the rest of the world.
- Destruction of the Iran deal and the application of sanctions. Iran threatened the Europeans not to go along with the sanctions or they would expose who they bribed to approve the deal in the first place.
- Finally, after decades, someone stands up to NATO and demands they pay for their own defense. We pay for Germany’s defense while they buy their natural gas from Russia.
- Obama’s criminally incompetent policy that undermined a victory in Iraq and allowed for the formation of ISIS. Continued incompetence allowed ISIS to thrive into a mini-state. Trump defeated ISIS in nine months.
- Refused to sign the Paris climate accords. There would then be a great expectation and burden on the United States resulting in rising electric utility bills and slower economic growth. China, the world’s biggest polluter, is still increasing emissions and little in the accords was demanded of it.
- Repealed Obama’s ruling telling public schools not to report criminal violations of students as it would be “racist.” If disobeyed, federal funds would be withheld from the school. Nikolas Cruz, of the Parkland High School massacre, had a behavioral record “screaming” to be uncovered but had his “privacy” protected. Trump has rescinded this order.
- Intensified pressure on MS-13 gang members
- Finally, after decades of neglect, someone finally improves the Veteran’s Administration treatment of our injured and traumatized veterans.
- Massive business deregulation which has spurred the economy out of the supposed “new normal” of only one percent growth up to three and four percent growth.
- Tax reform. Particularly reducing the tax bracket for LLC’s to spur small business entrepreneurism and future innovation and growth. Many businesses start in garages and dorm rooms as LLC’s.
- Appointed Supreme Court judges who respect the constitution and individual liberties.
- Enforces immigration law and stopped the “caravan” at the border. This also helped prevent child trafficking and drug running. Trump had the guts to shut down the government and insist that “the wall” be built. No other president would ever have had the courage.
- Finally, after decades, someone stands up to the mainstream media and its fake news.
- Record-low unemployment.
- We have now become the world’s largest exporter of oil, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia.
- Tried to approve the Keystone Pipeline in Colorado which could create thousands of jobs.
- Supported repeal of the Johnson Amendment which allows non-profits to support political candidates. Leftist non-profits violated this for decades without repercussions.
- Began the destruction of Obamacare which was designed to destroy private sector medical care.
- Protected the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.
- Signed into law a calling for the seizure of property of anyone involved with human rights abuses and human trafficking. Eric Schmidt of Google resigned the next day. I guess he had something to hide.
- Hired women to prominent positions. E.g. Kelly Ann Conway, Betsy DeVos, Nikki Haley, Kristjen Nielson, Elaine Chao, Linda McMahon, Gina Haspel, Heather Nauert, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
- Withheld FEMA funds from California due to the criminally neglectful management of their forest fire standards.
- Eight years of Obama cost us 277,000 manufacturing jobs. Trump has now added close to 500,000 back.
While this list is reasonably comprehensive, it is not exhaustive. I may add to it later.
Dr. Wayne Roth
Roslyn Heights