MTA’s reorganization plan was prepared by the consulting firm Alix Partners for Gov. Cuomo. Like all of his previous special commissions and advisory committee reports, it is not worth the paper it was printed on.
Promised savings by consolidation of civil rights, engineering, human resources, legal, procurement and other NYC Transit, Long Island and Metro North Rail Road departments have been discussed and promised for decades by every generation of MTA chairmen, board members, executive management and elected officials since the 1980s. This never happens due to work rules, seniority and contracts between different labor unions at NYC Transit, LIRR and MNRR. The same applies to anticipated savings by contracting out work to the private sector. These savings are elusive due to union work rules, union contracts and safety concerns for non-MTA employees performing construction on active track.
It makes no sense for the MTA to reassign management of major NYC Transit, LIRR and MNRR capital projects to the Office of Capital Construction. All three operating agencies already have their own experienced engineers, operations planning, procurement, force account, quality assurance and control employees. They have successfully managed numerous Superstorm Sandy along with other Federal Transit Administration and local funded capital projects.
In many cases, they were completed on time, within budget, with few design or change orders. Check the Office of Capital Construction’s track record. If all goes well with the most recent recovery schedule, LIRR East Side Access to Grand Central Terminal will be completed by December 2022 (11 years later than the original 2011 date) and $8 billion more than the original $3.5 billion budget. (Not counting $4 billion more in off-line costs). Second Avenue Subway Phase One and Hudson Yards No. 7 subway extension both suffered from delays, budget, scope and change order issues. Capital Construction is preoccupied trying to complete East Side Access by December 2022 and begin Second Avenue Subway Phase 2. How would they be able to manage additional capital projects?
Project cost containment, fast tracking procurements, and contract change orders are easier said than done.
MTA union work rules sometimes prevent contracting out work to the private sector. Third party private contractors require NYC Transit, LIRR and MNRR agency Force Account (their employees) to provide both supervision and protection when they work on or adjacent to active right of way track. There are sometimes excessive numbers of MTA supervisory or employees assigned.
At upcoming contract negotiations, the MTA must insist that future union contracts include more flexible work assignments. Salary increases should match the Consumer Price Index. Employees need to increase contributions toward medical insurance and retirement pensions just as we do. Future pensions must be calculated based on the final year’s base salary and not inflated by overtime. Allow employees to remain part time while collecting a portion of their pension. This affords experienced employees time to train replacements and be available during emergencies. Allow unions to bid on projects like the private sector. Offer union employees bonuses, like outside vendors when completing projects ahead of schedule or under budget. Share these cost savings with union employees.
End both the MTA “Arts in Transit” 1 percent expenditure requirement and Gov. Cuomo’s “New York Buy America Act.” Offer major businesses, hospitals and colleges who benefit by MTA services naming rights in exchange for adopting a station, paying for “Arts in Transit” and adding elevators to make them ADA compliant. Lobby the New York Congressional delegation for more reasonable federal Buy America requirements.
Stop wasting millions on transportation feasibility studies for future system expansion projects that will never happen. Do not initiate any new system expansion projects until each operating agency, NYC Transit bus and subway, MTA bus, LIRR and MNRR have reached a state of good repair for existing fleet, stations, signals, interlockings, track, power, yards and shops. Ensure that maintenance programs for all operating agencies assets are fully funded and completed on time to ensure riders reliable service.
Cuomo and elected officials who depend upon transportation union endorsements, campaign contributions, phone banks and volunteers in the end will not stand up against their benefactors and openly support MTA management in instituting these reforms during contract renewal negotiations. Riders do not have the stomach to put up with potential work slowdowns, service disruptions, employee sick outs and possible strikes by unions who are not going to give up what they have. Without these changes, it will continue to be the status quo.
Larry Penner
Great Neck