September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and it is time to stand up in the fight against prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is the second cause of cancer death. 164,690 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year, and 29,430 men will die of this disease this year.
The key is early detection, which will give a better outcome in fighting this disease. I know that only too well. I was diagnosed in January 2015.
I was going to have knee surgery, and I had to have a physical by my primary doctor, Dr. Doris Berland, and the test showed I had a high PSA and therefore she directed me to a urologist named Dr. Gary Goldberg, who discovered my PSA had gotten higher and needed a biopsy.
It was found that I had an aggressive prostate cancer; it had not spread yet, but I would need my prostate removed. I did what had to be done. I was 66 years old then and now am 69 and my PSA numbers have remained low.
There are many treatments out there today depending on the progression of the cancer. I call for all men over 50 to get tested for your life depends upon it and your family depends upon you to live.
I also ask those who can to donate to the American Cancer Society. A cure for prostate cancer can be found, as well as many other cancers but only if you care and give.
There was a program on TV on Friday, Sept. 7 that asked for donations for a cure for cancer. The program was called Stand Up To Cancer.
The program showed many people who survived cancer and were in remission. We have come a long way with research, technical improvements and medicines that have helped the many, including myself, with our fight with cancer.
But all this needs funding. They suggested you can go to So please give what you can and show that you care.
Added to all this, my good friend Harry Weymer, who I have known for over fifty years, died this year of brain cancer. He truly needed a cure. I still miss him dearly.
Frederick R. Bedell, Jr.