In response to Dr. Abraham’s ‘cut and paste’ article on Feb. 28th, written in defense of Great Neck’s 3000/4000K LED streetlights, we would like to present the Honorable Mayor Bral with research that justifies our stance on blue light at night or what Dr. Abraham has called our “nonsensical” replies.
We are asking Mayor Bral and Great Neck’s City Council to listen to reason and acknowledge that what we say has merit. We ask that Great Neck’s leaders regard what top scientists, researchers, climate experts, botanists, entomologists, and lighting professionals say about blue light at night. We are able to provide access to research from internationally renowned experts and organizations such as Travis Longcore, Audrey Fischer, The Audubon Society, IDA, UCLA, Harvard, NASA, Chicago Astronomical Society, Greg Yeutter, Annette Krop-Benesch, University of Haifa, Fabio Falchi and others. We would like to invite you to connect with any of these experts regarding the effects of ALAN – artificial light at night – on humans, ocean life, insects, flora and fauna
Many people are suffering under these poorly thought-out, overly-bright, white streetlights. LEDs currently installed have missed the mark on health. Blue-rich/white LED streetlights are not “Smart” and they are certainly not “Green”.
Yes, they save energy, but so do softer hued LEDs. Blue-rich LEDs affect the well-being of all people whether they know it or not, just like asbestos and lead did for years before being regulated. France and Slovenia have banned 3000K LED streetlights because of these concerns.
Besides harming humans, we ought to consider other life forms. Experts say white LED lights are forcing night pollinators and fireflies into extinction. We might not like insects, but we know we need them. LEDs also confuse ocean predators and birds, rendering them unable to tell whether it is day or night. Please reflect on how blue/white light affects nature when you look at Judith Youngblood’s whopping 3000K streetlight. What should all the creatures on her property and her neighbor’s properties do to save themselves? Blackout curtains are not an option for wildlife and insects. As we do our best to reverse Climate Change we must recognize how blue light at night is harming the entire ecosystem.
White LEDs hurt the eyes of many people and cause sleep disruption in all humans. We expect that the Village of Great Neck did not intentionally mean to harm its constituents. City after city, town after town, are playing a fast game of follow the leader without doing enough research on LEDs before installing them.
We encourage Great Neck to follow others like Apple who improved product safety by lessening blue light in their devices by adding “Night Shift” and “True Tone”. If blue light from a device is enough to disrupt sleep at night, then we believe Great Neck will recognize pouring blue light upon its residents is all the more harmful. It appears that Dr. Lockley contradicted his own argument by saying LED streetlights have no influence on human circadian rhythm while suggesting the use of blinds and sleep masks. If there is no effect on sleep then why is there a need for blinds and masks?
For Dr. Abraham to call those of us who are ordinary citizens “nonsensical” and “dissidents” is his attempt to dismiss us. We would like for him to point out specifics. What are we dissenting from? Clearly we are following the science. Science backs up what we experience on a daily basis. We experience retinal pain to such an extent that most choose not to be out at night anymore.
For many, LEDs sear retinas and cause migraines, vertigo, nausea, and sleeplessness. The endless onslaught of bright, piercing LED streetlights, headlights, security lights, business lights, LED billboards, LED road signs, parking lot lights, etc. is overwhelming. Most of us did go out regularly at night before LEDs were installed in our cities, towns, and villages. This must have an impact on local businesses.
Some people do like white light and believe the spin that super bright white streetlights make us safer. They do not. They merely make some people ‘feel’ safer. What LEDs really do is cause a zebra pattern which leaves potential victims standing in bright white light while their assailant hides comfortably in complete darkness steps away. 3000K+ LED streetlights have a sharp cutoff and are not capable of dispersing light evenly. If the answer to fight crime was light then we would not so many news reports of crimes committed in the middle of a sunny day. Light does nothing to stop criminals; instead light helps them to commit their crimes more efficiently.
There is nothing “nonsensical” about what we are saying. What is “nonsensical” is continuing to impose 3000/4000K outmoded LED streetlights upon your constituents. We anticipate that the leaders of Great Neck will agree with us that it is ‘nonsensical’ to dismiss experts who can guide your village towards a healthier environment for all.
Instead of battling Judith Youngblood in court, we would like to encourage Great Neck to show responsible concern for her and to work towards a solution to this LED street light debacle. Beautiful LED streetlights exist and we are willing to connect decision-makers with any or all manufacturers of soft white/amber LED streetlights. If the village were to switch its streetlights from blinding white to soft amber LEDs, Great Neck would become a prominent world leader of modern, responsible, eco-friendly LED street lighting.
Victoria Young
Ban Blinding LEDs
Chicago, Ill.