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Readers Write: A great New Year’s resolution: help the needy

The holidays has come to a close and a New Year, 2017 has begun.

In 2017 most of us are in the process of making our New Year’s   resolutions. Which many of us will find some of which will be hard to keep. But maybe there are resolutions out there that we should make every effort to keep.

There are those in need of our help even though the holidays are gone. The need remains, our food pantries and soup kitchens have needs to feed the poor all year round and when food runs out the poor do with less and that includes their children as well.

Let us not forget about our blood supply which is low after the holidays and are in desperate need of blood donations.

This I know first hand because I help run a blood drive at St. Anastasia Parish  in Douglaston as Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus council #5911.

Again this year as we make our New Year’s resolutions let’s resolve to donate needed financial funds to help the poor, the needy, and the homeless by giving to those religious, community groups and government organizations.

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These organizations also need volunteers and if you can spare the time please step up and help.

Remember there are poor and needy people out there and not only during the holidays but all year round.

Now that would be a great New Year’s resolution and that is a beautiful thing to do.

For it is in charity that is the greatest gift we can give to others this coming year, and you will be glad that you did.

Frederick R. Bedell, Jr.


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