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Readers Write: G.N. villages playing with residents’ safety

In matters of life and death, one must be bold and blunt.

Why is our village government playing with fire when it comes to resident safety?

Why is our village government taking a calculated risk with the public’s health?

What ever happened to the old adage, “If it’s not broke — don’t fix it!”

Vigilant Firefighters will always care more — do more — deliver more — because they reside here. There is no other ambulance service that can make that claim.

For 80 years, village residents have been receiving extraordinarily responsive, personalized ambulance service when they are their most vulnerable.

The Vigilant team demonstrates exemplary acts of courage — going beyond the call of duty every day because this is the place they call home.  From generation to generation.

There are communities all over Long Island — not to mention Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens — that would kill for the level of personalized ambulance service we, as residents, take for granted.

And yet, we come here today, as a concerned community, to defend our right to continue these services.

How do you throw away excellence?

When a major snowstorm hit our village and the roads had yet to be plowed, one female resident had the misfortune to go into labor requiring transport to the hospital.

But several feet of snow blanketed our Village Roads — and the Vigilant ambulance couldn’t get through.

What to do?

The good folks at Vigilant volunteered the use of their own personal vehicle.

They had a successful Plan B — precisely because they reside here.

Would Northwell ambulance service have done the same?

Vigilant Firefighters will always care more — do more — deliver more.

The fact is, Mayor Bral, I voted for you in the last election.

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I embraced your winning with great enthusiasm.

You promised to be the mayor for all residents.

But for the last year, my family and friends are becoming alarmed at the projects you give attention to — and the projects you FAIL to give attention to.

We see an unfortunate pattern.

Our last mayor was voted out because he was too busy patting himself on the back to notice that projects he was initiating — lacked public support.

He was too arrogant — too self-absorbed — and disconnected from residents — to observe the obvious signs of discontent.

Mayor Bral, I was extremely angry with our former mayor — as was many of the people sitting in this room.

But when a full-time physician and mayor elects to put the public’s health and welfare last — that is something to fear – because you — of all people — should know better.

Vigilant reflects the values and gold standard of our Great Neck community.

To remove and replace them tears apart the very fabric and heart of our community.

It erodes our faith in you.

If there is a segment of our community that desires something special – something private — in the way of ambulance services — why not give it to them?

But keep what is good — keep what works.

Do not destroy the values and standards of Great Neck by giving up Vigilant.

Our community could never afford to bring them back — new ambulances cost too much money.

And that is another true fact.

Judy Shore Rosenthal

Great Neck

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