Another month has begun with a cluster of events that lead us to remind us to question the priorities of this most irregular presidency of recent memory.
We awake to find that the most deadly mass casualty shooting has occurred in Las Vegas overnight. How does refusal of our lawmakers to get a handle on the failure to achieve rational gun control?
Trump’s incendiary attitude toward  North Korea, and his most recent criticism of attempts of our Secretary of State to negotiate an agreement when the most reasonable approach would seem to support avoidance of a war of words, in the most vulgar of terms.
The neglect of preparation for the most destructive hurricane in 90 years to hit Puerto Rico. Trump’s ignorance of the status of that island, and of some significance, our responsibility toward that part of our nation.
Instead of immediately calling for attention to the very evident consequences, he devoted days of criticism to the protests of football players to impress his base.
By the time he focussed his attention on the plight of over 3 million of our citizens by ordering the distribution of huge amounts of all necessary food, water, medicines, equipment piled on piers, the situation was desperate.
He blamed the disorder on the citizens rather than ordering the deployment of military personnel and equipment that is so effective in such circumstances. The ludicrous evidence of his ignorance was expressed as he noted that Puerto Rico is an island surrounded by an ocean!
The announcement that the removal of regulations promulgated by President Obama is moving apace in Trump’s determination to remove many necessary improvements created by his predecessor.
Appointment of needed public administrators for many agencies has been grossly neglected, and the choice of Cabinet Secretaries  has revealed their unsuitability for their positions. And have you noticed the numbers of White House staff that have been fired?
And by the way, how many days has our overworked new president been away, and thea cost of transporting and protecting his jaunts, including rallies at which his repetitious self aggrandizement has made him happy.
It is so obvious that his behavior and his priorities have increased the divisions in our society.
Beyond that, his language and ignorance mark his unsuitability to serve as the president. He has seriously destroyed the concept of truth and the assurance that his word is his bond.
Let us hope that investigations of malfeasance will ultimately bear fruit and we can start to recover.
Esther Confino
New Hyde Park