Readers Write: DeRiggi-Whitton gives politicians a good name

Readers Write: DeRiggi-Whitton gives politicians a good name

I first met Delia DeRiggi-Whitton in 2014 when her legislative district was redrawn to include Port Washington.

As a passionate advocate for her district, Delia wanted to learn as much about Port as she could. Since then, she has become a fixture in town and has secured grants for the Port Washington Library and the Manorhaven Streetscape project.

Delia is a voice of fiscal responsibility in a legislature can be sometimes be anything but. She is committed to protecting our environment and passed legislation to ban fracking waste products from contaminating our water supply.

But mostly, Delia is passionate about people. Be they seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, families struggling with addiction or health issues, Delia is there. Delia cannot see someone in need and not try to help. She is a true public servant, in it for us, not herself.

I am proud to call Delia a friend and even prouder to call her my Nassau County Legislator. I urge everyone to vote this November 7th, and to vote to reelect Delia Deriggi-Whitton as our county legislator.

Larry Greenstein

Port Washington


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