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Readers Write: Dems smear Knights of Columbus

The nomination of Brian Buescher to the U.S. District Court of Nebraska is being opposed as being a member of an extreme organization, which is the Knights of Columbus. Senators Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono, [Democrats of California and Hawaii respectively], say Trump nominee is too extreme for a judicial position due to his membership in the Knights of Columbus.

This I feel that their opinion borders on bigotry. The Knights of Columbus where I am Grand Knight of St. Anastasia Knights of Columbus council # 5911 in Douglaston, and find this an insult to all of our members of my council and to all of the 2 million members in the order.

As an organization, the Knights have raised $1.5 billion for charity in the past decade as reported.

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Furthermore, the Knights of Columbus which started in 1882 was started in part to fight anti-Catholic bigotry. Those who say the Knights of Columbus as being extreme should read all that we have done for the many in need.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.


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