Readers Write: Current G.N. Plaza administration obsolete

Readers Write: Current G.N. Plaza administration obsolete

Most people would not keep clothing for 25 years; it goes out of style. Most people wouldn’t keep a car for 25 years; it develops expensive repair problems and becomes obsolete. Nobody keeps leftovers for too long; they might make you sick if you eat them.


But yet, we have kept the present Great Neck Plaza administration for more than a quarter of a century; and let me tell you that it is out of style, obsolete and way past its expiration date.


We’re tired of “my way or the highway” governing; we don’t want a new mayor from an old administration who has dropped the ball on everything he was tasked to do—such as the promised residential parking garage under the post office, which was approved by the government. Ted Rosen even acknowledged in this newspaper that there is a terrible parking problem in the Welwyn/Shoreward area; but he chose then, and still chooses now, not to do anything about it.


The entire current Village administration also hasn’t cared enough to relieve the residents in the Welwyn/Shoreward area of their horrific parking problem, choosing instead to exacerbate it. They have willfully ignored the violations of a business which encourages its large number of employees to park, without consequence from the Village, for 12-hour stretches in 3-hour non-resident parking spaces, leaving residents with no place to park.


We’re tired of seeing the “For Rent” signs on Middle Neck Road that have been growing in number since long before COVID 19. It’s time to stop the downward spiral of our Great Neck Plaza business district which will become a Deadwood City ghost town if left in the hands of the incumbents who continue to ignore the issues.


It’s time to rejuvenate and clean house in Great Neck Plaza, and the Katz mayoral team will do the job. They will bring fresh ideas and fresh faces to our Village government. Unlike the unresponsive present administration, Leonard Katz’s team will listen to all their constituents and will be sympathetic as well as empathetic to their needs—as opposed to the present administration which is just plain pathetic!


On September 15th, please write in your votes for Leonard Katz for mayor of Great Neck Plaza and Marnie Ives and Robert Farajollah for trustees. The people of Great Neck Plaza deserve a gourmet feast, not leftovers!


Leo Pfeifer

Great Neck Plaza


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