Readers Write: Curran not up to job of county exec

Readers Write: Curran not up to job of county exec

As a first term legislator, I have watched the real Laura Curran in action. Or should I say “inaction”?

From my observations, it is evident that Laura Curran does not have the necessary experience to be Nassau County executive.

I’ve served with Laura Curran for the last two years and I can unequivocally state that she is not the best choice to get Nassau County back on the right track.

Legislator Curran has repeatedly said she ‘had a front row seat’ witnessing the challenges facing our county, but she has done absolutely nothing as a county legislator to find solutions.

Rather, Laura Curran has been missing in action when it comes to balancing the county’s budget or implementing real changes to restore the public’s trust in county government. Instead, Laura Curran has chosen politics and hypocrisy over real action. The real Laura Curran has done nothing and said nothing to make a difference for Nassau County taxpayers.

Curran complains about corruption, but she still has not called for the resignation of Ed Mangano.

While Laura Curran’s campaign for county executive often references patronage employment in the Mangano Administration, Curran refuses to acknowledge that she was hired to an $80,000 per year patronage position in Tom Suozzi’s press office when Suozzi was running for governor.

Because Laura Curran has refused to offer any plans for how she’d protect property taxpayers or reform the County’s finances, I fear that, as county executive, Laura Curran would simply resort to property tax increases and service reductions like she did on the school board – raising property taxes, laying off teachers and even attempting to break the property tax cap until her effort failed with school district voters.

Surely, Nassau County deserves better than a rubber stamp politician who votes the party line, holding up important infrastructure projects which is playing politics with the safety and quality of life of our voters and who clearly does not have the experience to administer a $3 billion budget.

C. William Gaylor, III

R-District 6

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