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Readers Write: Coronavirus spreading worldwide

The Coronavirus has spread globally to many countries and should be a concern for many of us. Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said our risk is low for the Coronavirus now, but will hit us in the near future.
So far worldwide the virus has now infected 80,000 and killed close to 3,000. President Trump in a speech has said our government is going to do all that is necessary to contain the virus and Vice President Pence will spearhead a program that will hopefully contain the virus.
Also, funds will be allocated to help in this effort to contain and to care for those who will be affected. The Governor and the mayor will be doing all they can in this situation to combat this disease to help and to protect the many.
The CDC has presented things that the average person can do to prevent the disease from spreading and that is as follows: When sneezing and coughing and that is to cover one’s mouth, avoid sick persons. If you have symptoms please seek health care professionals, and also if sick stay home from work an school. We can get through this. Remember let’s deal with this disease not with fear but with common sense.
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.
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