Two possible future events.
One: JFK has to be spinning in his grave at the speed of light knowing what has become of his once sensible Democrat party. It now consists of different groups, such as the environment nut jobs, abortion lovers, anti-military wimps, tax-the-middle-class-out-of-existence zealots, etc.
Now, let’s assume they are successful in impeaching President Trump and they are successful in convincing 67 U.S. senators to throw him out of office led by RINO Republicans.
The result will be an armed rebellion throughout the U.S. that will make the Civil War look like a tea party.
A military takeover of the U.S. government will be the result.
Two: The African-American community will come to the aid of America as they recognize that Trump is not a politician, not a conservative nor a liberal, but a businessman who is looking out for America. Period. They have voted for Democrats 85 percent to 95 percent of the time in local, state and federal elections. Those days are over.
While in office, Trump has lowered the unemployment rate for black people to new lows. Blacks, serving in the military, will now receive pay increases, since Trump is pushing the military budget over $700 billion.
And the abortion issue is resonating with black people. Since Roe v. Wade, 60 million babies have been killed. In New York City, more black babies are aborted than are born. And the African-American community now realizes that these abortion mills are controlled by white liberals.
This 81-year-old white dude is betting on the African-American community to stabilize America.
And they will lead President Trump to another four years in the Oval Office.
John Messina
East Williston