Readers Write: A new Supreme Court

Readers Write: A new Supreme Court

How fortunate for leaders that men do not think. — Adolph Hitler

Most pundits are saying that the upcoming election will be the most consequential in our lifetime. But there is an equally concerning event which will occur this week.

The Senate will vote, up or down, on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Everyone is aware that the future of Roe v. Wade hangs in the balance, but what other dire predictions can we make about SCOTUS if the Senate votes affirmatively for the president’s choice?

Here is what may occur over the next decades should the court swing five to four in favor of the conservative agenda.

  • Republicans will find it easier to attain office since the court may eliminate restrictions on money in politics.
  • Partisan gerrymandering will continue.
  • Voter suppression will continue unabated.
  • In cases where corporations find themselves pitted against workers and consumer groups, the former will have the upper hand.
  • Regulations protecting the environment will be restricted.

The stakes cannot be higher.

Unless another Justice Kennedy arises from the ranks of the sitting justices the progressive agenda will be on hold for decades.

And history will record that the Republicans in the Senate thwarted the will of President Obama to appoint Merrick Garland, refusing to give him either a hearing or a vote.

American democracy is not yet in its death throes, but it is certainly gasping for air.

Dr. Hal Sobel

Great Neck



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