Reader’s Write:

Reader’s Write:

It is obvious that most of us take a materialistic approach to everything. 

A good example is the medical profession that attempts to cure everything chemically without taking into consideration the human being as a whole. Then there are the physicists who claim the big bang theory as the beginning of the universe while conveniently disregarding whence came the boundless expanse called space and whence came that which supposedly did bang.

Every year comes the tornado season. It does seem that nature is cruel. Is it possible that there are other forces at work? 

That which is unseen and unaccounted for? Up the river in our own back yard is a situation that would only require a shake, rattle and roll and the entire New York Metropolitan Area could become a ghost town for a century or more. 

Yet, nothing is done to insure it can not happen.

 Perhaps there are destinies unavoidables. For sure there would be plenty of ghosts around.

Charles Samek


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