Before I begin the main topic, three items seem worthy of comment.
Scott Stringer, who wants to be New York City’s comptroller, has no qualms regarding his statement that because he does believe in a two-term limit it gives him the right to override the democratic will of the people.
Ms. Quinn who was instrumental in the coup d’etat also does not respect the will of the people. These two are unfit for public office. Mr. Thompson, who was unjustly defeated in his last run for mayor, should become mayor. The term ‘honorable mayor’ could again appropriately be used.
The people of Nassau County by their last vote said no to Mr. Suozzi. Mr. Mangano, lest we forget, ran as a businessman, same as Mr. Haber is now doing.
So, what is so special about that? With all the articles for Haber appearing, who knows what would appear out of the woodwork should he be elected. We know where we stand with Mr. Mangano and if he is re-elected it would be “steady as she goes.” He did not create today’s problems.
I see the ads by the likes of Bob’s Furniture and Raymour and Flanigan with all of the fine wood and I say to myself, “Ahh, that is what is happening to the tropical rain forest.” It is blamed on the natives for slash and burn though it is unimaginable that those large trees are felled with a machete. Anyway, one day I was talking to some trees and they wanted to know if I could see the forest for them.
There are two major problems with the intersection of Jericho Turnpike and Glen Cove Road. What dim foresight made it as it is?
The exit from the westbound Northern Parkway says Glen Cove Road north. There are no directions for Glen Cove Road south anywhere. A no left turn sign prohibits turning left (south) at the exit. The only possible ways to go south are:
1 – Exit the parkway at Post Avenue and take Jericho west.
2 – Go north on Glen Cove Road until a U-turn can be made.
3 – Stay on the parkway to the next exit which is north of Hillside Avenue
4 – Turn left on Jericho and make a U-turn. Only one who knows the area could manage this.
Now, the second problem. When one exits the parkway eastbound there is a traffic light and going north or south on Glen Cove is not a problem. There should be a light at the westbound exit also.
Generally, the left turn lane for Jericho west is backed up well south of the westbound parkway exit. One has to beg and squeeze into the left turn lane; this with having to cross two northbound lanes with on-coming traffic most of the time and block one lane until a motorist courteously allows entry into said left turn lane.
In addition, at certain times of the year the weeds grow so tall that one at the westbound exit can’t see if a vehicle is approaching from the south without entering the lane. I called once to complain and was told “those are not our weeds, those are the county’s” or vice-versa. I guess I could get out of the car and stomp the weeds down and risk trouble for destroying public property.
The left light (of two) facing northbound has an arrow and just a plain light. As the left turn lane can’t go straight it indicates that the lane next to it may turn left or go straight. I have the book, I know the law. There are times a cop car hangs out at the corner gas station. Ignorance is not bliss.
Then a while back, “straight ahead” arrows were put on this second lane. I wonder who was responsible for that. They have since been removed, I wonder why.
But to make the turn from the second lane, one has to be careful – watch that a right lane southbound vehicle is not turning onto Jericho westbound and that a vehicle from the left turn lane wants to move all the way to the right to enter the parkway westbound which is right after turning left. All this danger and I’ve known this intersection a long time. It must be difficult for someone the first time in the area.
The solution is simple. There must be another traffic light at the westbound parkway exit whether they like it or not just like it was for the kiddies on Herricks Road. Remember?
Then motorists could go south on Glen Cove Road. As it is, the right northbound lane next to Starbucks which is for Jericho eastbound is under utilized and should become the second northbound lane also. The present left northbound lane must become a second left turn land to handle the volume.
Signs have to be erected or better, hung from the parkway overpass to indicate that the left turn lane is ‘Jericho west’ and the right left turn lane is ‘Jericho west and Northern Parkway west.’ This info should also be at the exit.
From my observation, it would be easy to re-align all of the lanes slightly to guide the traffic across the intersection. Problem solved. Big headache eliminated.
Charles Samek