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Readers Write: Public transportation needs more support

I would like to add to what Larry Penner wrote in the New Times (what we are living in) newspaper Friday, May 10, 2013 edition “public transport needs public support.” 

President Obama was promoting a passenger rail line I believe between Orlando and Tampa. The effort was blocked by the usual congressional opposition. 

Here is a way it could work out: First build the rail line, which as I remember would be along Interstate 4 and have it up and running. 

It is said that a square meter solar panel can produce a KWH. Leave room on the right of way for an average of two strips of meter square panels (8 feet) on each side of the tracks. That would be room for 5,280 panels per mile. The distance between the two cities is quoted as being 84 miles which would result in 443,520 panels which in daylight hours could produce as much as 443 megawatts of electricity. 

Once the rail line is running, the panels could be added non-rush. They would provide an ever increasing percentage of the power to operate the system and eventually begin feeding power into the grid. 

I had to do some digging on the internet but finally found what said a passenger rail car requires 288 kilowatts. If this line should run 50 cars at once (which I doubt it would) that would only be about 15 megawatts. Once the solar panel system is complete it could. 

The final part of the system would be a no-rush development of a storage battery system for night-time operation which would become an increasing percentage of night-time need. This method was being developed in France the last I heard and the results were good. A need for large stand-alone solar arrays can this way be diminished.

Every pound of coal burned in a utility generator is gone forever. Moreover, for each molecule carbon dioxide formed, two atoms of oxygen are removed from the atmosphere. 

Even lead-acid batteries can work which are basically lead and sulfur. When a cell goes bad, it can merely be reprocessed. Nothing is lost. If and when times change, the coal miners in West Virginia might not be unhappy with new professions after all. So much for this.

I am sure we all know that the protection of classified and sensitive information is crucial and if there are leaks it is the duty of our government to find those leaks. At present there is the horse show in Washington critical of our government’s means of locating information leaks to the AP. Our government has to resort to any and all means to curtail these leaks.

Are we to understand that the IRS is barred from effectively determining who is eligible for tax-exempt status? 

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Everything I have seen and heard about the tea party is that it is extremely and militantly political and bent on overturning the government of the USA. 

Are we to understand that there are secret organizations with pull? What has not been said is why and for how long these restrictions on the IRS, which renders it inert have been in place and who put them there. 

I hear the booming voices of those who are against paying taxes who I can’t better characterize than being ‘warts on the wealthy.’ 

One and the same who were promoting voter restriction. Or, as Leona Helmsley said “only the little people pay taxes.” 

I wonder how our creator judges size. So, how long has this system been in the IRS?

President Obama is cool enough not to make hasty statements. It will end up the same either way. The facts will not change. 

Some are roaring impeach! impeach! We know who they are and were are not fooled. Someday, there will be many jobs building public housing: Rooms without a view and no cell phones.

Every Fourth of July I declare my independence (including an independent which is a category. 

I don’t belong to anyone and attempt to rise aloft, above what happens. My bridge over troubled waters. There is no better goal than liberty and justice for all and these days that means globally.


Charles Samek


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