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Readers Write: Problems with sex not limited to Catholics

This is in response to Nancy Usewicz’s May 9 letter to the editor, “Problems with sex not limited to Catholic church.”

It read:

I have read for weeks Mr. Bing Tang’s assault on the Catholic Church, and priests.

Granted, there are bad apples in every barrel. I don’t know if Bing is Catholic or not. I do not understand his fixation with pedophiles among the priests. Maybe he was a victim of the molestation.

Of course, I feel sorry for all the young victims and their families. I am only writing now because of the article stating one in four Christian men are unfaithful. 

You mean Jews, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus etc. aren’t committing adultery? You must be very naive.

Women today, even young girls are promiscuous. It’s completely different than 40, 50 years ago when girls were more conservative and innocent. You can see it on TV, movies, everywhere. 

Sex is all over the place – and yes boys will be boys.

I don’t condone it. I think parents need to teach their sons and daughters early on to respect their bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit.

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In fact, in my previous posting, I cited my friend Dr./ Rev. M. J. Sawyer who quoted from R. Kent Hughes, that “One in four Christian men are unfaithful, and nearly one half have behaved unbecomingly! 

Shocking statistics! Especially when we remember that Christianity Today readers tend to be college-educated church leaders, elders, deacons, Sunday school superintendents, and teachers. 

If this is so for the church’s leadership, how much more for the average member of the congregation? Only God knows!”

R. Kent Hughes

“Disciplines of a Godly Man,” Crossway Books, 1991, p. 21-22.

Also see :

Bingh Tang


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