Reader’s Write: Passing budget ‘crucial’ to district’s future

Reader’s Write: Passing budget ‘crucial’ to district’s future

PASS would like to commend the [Manhasset} Board of Education, Superintendent Cardillo, the teachers, and the community for being part of the process in the creation of a revised and reduced school budget with a 1.97 percent tax levy increase.  

The board of education held a series of public meetings so that the public would have the opportunity to voice their opinions.  There was unprecedented attendance at these meetings. Thank you to all of those who took the time to communicate their opinions to the board.  

It is from listening to all sides that the board and administration were able to appreciate everyone’s concerns to determine where to make reductions to a level that does the least harm to students. Thanks go out to the teachers who gave $332,000 back to the district with their collective bargaining unit benefits.  

Although the teachers have a contract, they wanted to work cooperatively with the district. 

Passing this budget is crucial to the continuity of quality education in Manhasset for this year and years to come. A quality education enriches our students, our community, and supports your property values.  

The levy increase amounts to approximately $265/year for a home assessed at approximately $1 million.  

Due to New York State law, a 60 percent supermajority is still needed for this budget revote to pass.  This is a daunting challenge.  

Please speak with your family, students of voting age, friends, and neighbors to urge them to vote “Yes” on June 18 at the high school cafeteria from 6:30 a.m. -10 p.m.  

If this budget fails, the district will be forced to operate under an austerity budget.  There will be additional staggering cuts that will affect every child in the district.  There will be further reductions in the teaching staff which translates to higher enrollment in classrooms.  

There will be no before or after school clubs/activites K-12 which potentially includes all athletics, arts and other activities. The district will also have to impose a state mandated usage fees for using the school facilities including athletic fields.  

You may register to vote at the secondary school in Room 307 up to the day before the vote or June 17.  Call 267-7742 if you need help. 

You may also pick up absentee ballot applications as well.  For more information, please visit

We all came together in the creation of this revised budget.  

Let’s all come together on Tuesday, June 18 to get it passed.  We are PASS.  We are Manhasset.

PASS Co-Chairs


Dino Moshova and Maureen Lavin



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