Last week’s editorial begins ominously with: “It may be that there is nothing illegal….but it sure does have a bad smell.”
Obviously, the Four Horsemen of sanctimonious journalism; gossip, hearsay, innuendo and rumor, remain alive and well.
Your editorial continues, “But what stinks worse than Sandy sludge is the reality that Mangano and the GOP have reaped a windfall from this disaster.” Really? Wow!
According to the paltry figures you presented, campaign donations from cleanup contractors, as a percentage of full contract value, aggregated $39 of every $100,000 awarded, or .00039 percent. Some windfall.
If the Herald-Courier has facts to support its implication of corruption, it should make its case with the boldness and clarity of Emile Zola.
Professional journalistic integrity requires much more than publishing an unsubstantiated calumny.
Tom Coffey