We strongly object to your furnishing space to Mr. J M.
(I do not wish to mention his name) twice during August.
The first was a diatribe against a sitting fairly elected President of the United States.
The second includes the D., Strangelove suggestion that the U.S. demolish Medina and Mecca if somebody sets off a firecracker in a New York subway. (Not necessarily a Muslim). This is an insult to your readers.
We feel that the letters you publish should be a forum for your readers to exchange ideas rationally.
They can be fiery and one sided but they should be logical and capable of rebuttal.
We strongly favor your printing letters with a different point of view. That is part of a newspaper’s responsibility.
J.M.’s letters do not encourage a rational exchange of ideas, and in our opinion do not deserve the space you have given them.
We expect a saner approach to journalism from an editor of a Great Neck newspaper and hope you will be more respectful of your readers in the future.
Irma and Allen Leboff
Great Neck