Reader’s Write: Obamacare Trojan Horse for health takeover

Reader’s Write: Obamacare Trojan Horse for health takeover

Many Democrats get quite upset when anyone calls ObamaCare “socialized medicine.” 

However, every liberal I know, has been waiting decades for this takeover. 

Government-run healthcare is every progressive’s goal. It seems that all you  left-wing voters in Roslyn and Great Neck, want to use any means , spend whatever it takes, and promise anything, to fulfill your lifelong dream.

Socialized medicine is more important to you than saving the planet, global warming or even income redistribution. 

Why do you think President Obama decided early on, to put the rest of his agenda  on hold, and concentrate all of his efforts to radically change our healthcare system.

They quote Saul Alinsky and try to understand Fidel, Che, and Mao. They drool over the Canadian and UK models. 

But most important, they totally ignore or excuse, the dramatic failures of every country that has ever tried it.

– It seems to make no difference to any of them, that we presently have the greatest healthcare system on the planet.

– It makes no different to liberals  that our system has produced more Nobel prize-winners in medicine than all the other countries combined.

– It makes no difference to progressives that disrupting 16.2 percent of the GDP could be detrimental to our economic recovery.

– It makes no difference to socialists that before ObamaCare, over 90% were covered by their own health insurance.      

– It makes no difference to many of you that the uninsured (only 10 percent) can still be treated at any public hospital, at our expense.

– It makes no difference that we even provide healthcare for illegal aliens and other criminals, all “free”of charge.

– it makes no difference to some of you that our national debt already has reached a staggering  $17 Trillion dollars. The CBO states that you still have not presented a legitimate plan to pay for it.

– It makes no difference to the left, that in a constitutional democracy, American citizens actually have the right to refuse your health insurance!

– It makes no difference to you that everyone over the age of 65 is presently covered by medicare and every family under the poverty level is covered by Medicaid.

– it makes no difference to them  that in our present system, over 90% of all the drugs, medical equipment, and research, is developed right here in the U.S.

– Does it matter to you that many people in England only use the National Health Service for routine medical care, and use their own private insurance and private doctors, for any serious medical condition.

– Does it matter that in the socialized medical system in Canada and the UK, waiting many months or even a year, for hip and knee replacements as well as heart and cancer treatment, is very common?

Why don’t liberals seem to care? 

The reason is simple. They just want government control of the healthcare system!  

– Forget their convoluted reasons!       

– Forget about their philanthropic prognostications.

– Forget about their claims of lowering the cost of healthcare.

– Forget about covering the uninsured.

These specific issues could be simply handled on their own. They just want to take complete control. Period!  End of discussion!

Keeping all that in mind, what did Obama have to say to get it passed? 

After all, giving his own supporters enough time to read the bill may have changed their minds ! Just think what the vote would be, if it were taken today. 

What lies did he have to come up with? What distortions were needed to persuade Congress to vote for it? What inaccurate information had to be presented to the public?

Everyone knows Obama’s big lie! You  know the one where he said in 27 speeches, “you can keep your own doctor.” 

If that were the only lie he told, maybe, just maybe, we could just fix that one flaw. 

Unfortunately, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) neither protects the patient or is affordable.

What are some of the inaccuracies (lies) that Obama and his supporters came up with to pass ObamaCare?

Inaccuracy (lie) No. 1: ObamaCare was going to cost us “only” $850 billion dollars for the first 1- years!

Truth No. 1 – The CBO now estimates that it is will cost well over $2 trillion for the next 10 years and will probably end up much higher! 

Yes, that’s $2 trillion!

Inaccuracy (Lie) #2- it will lower every family’s insurance premium $2,500 per year.

Truth  No. 2 – For the families who are paying for their own insurance, their premiums have skyrocketed. Where did you think the money was going to come from, in order to pay for the uninsured and for new plans that now have additional “benefits” that many of  us don’t want or need?

Inaccuracy (Lie) No. 3 – ObamaCare is great for employees.

Truth No. 3 – anyone working 30 or more hours, in a business with 50 or more employees must be covered.  In order to get around this, most businesses are now just hiring part time workers , or cutting their present workers to under 29 hours per week.

The proof has finally been made public: The Debt. of Labor just reported that 75% of all new jobs created last year were temporary or part time! Wow!!

Inaccuracy (Lie) No. 4 – Our own state taxes, will not be raised. (because, according to Obama, Medicaid, payed by the individual states, will not be effected)

Truth No. 4 – ObamaCare raised the minimum Medicaid income eligibility for a family of four, to $24,550. Now, many more people will be covered by state funded Medicaid! Our state taxes will go up to pay for them.

Inaccuracy (Lie) No. 5  Obama will pay the states for these new people added to their Medicaid roles.

Truth No. 5 – this federal reimbursement to the states, will only be for the first 3 years. After that, our own state taxes will pay for it!

Inaccuracy (Lie) No. 6-  Our Medicare benefits  will not be diminished.

Truth No. 6- this lie was truly amazing since the AARP knew that Medicare benefits would be cut, and still knowingly went along with Obama. One half of the initial cost of ObamaCare, initially about $475 Billion dollars. will come from reductions in Medicare services.

Inaccuracy (Lie) No. 7- there will be no new taxes to pay for ObamaCare !

Truth No. 7- the other half of the cost of ObamaCare will come from new fees, penalties and taxes. Lists of them are  available on any government website! The CBO now estimates that we will pay one trillion dollars in new taxes and fees to pay for ObamaCare.

Now for all you doctors out there who where deceived into supporting ObamaCare :

Inaccuracy (Lie) No. 8- Your doctor will remain independent of any government pressure.

Truth No, 8- Obamacare has a committee, “The Independent Payment Advisory Board,”  made up of government bureaucrats, who now sets all fees and payments to every doctor and hospital.

And for all you patients out there who were also deceived:  

Inaccuracy (Lie) No. 9- There are no “death panels”!

Truth No. 9- did you know that hidden within ObamaCare, is another committee, “The U.S. Preventative Service Task Force,” a bureaucratic committee, which determines what treatment you may receive from your doctor? Cost containment and your age, can now be used as the exclusive reason to deny your treatment! I guess Sara Pailin was right! The government will decide who will live and who will die! Death panels are here!

Inaccuracy (Lie) No. 10-  “our website will be a simple, easy way for you to sign up for your new less expensive and better insurance plan”.

Truth No. 10- this doesn’t even require an explanation.

Inaccuracy (Lie)  No. 11- everyone will be covered by the plan .

Truth No. 11 – 1,400 exemptions were given to friends and supporters of Obama including all Federal workers and all Congressmen, their families, and their immediate staff !

Inaccuracy (Lie) No. 12- it’s not a tax!

Truth No. 12-  Obviously, the Supreme Court ruled that the only way the bill could be ruled constitutional, is if the  penalty for not complying is a tax!

Inaccuracy (Lie) No. 13- healthcare costs will immediately go down.

Truth No. 13- since ObamaCare was initiated, health care costs have increased.

2009 +3.8%.

2010 +3.8%

2011 +3,6%

2012 + 3.7%

Inaccuracy (Lie) No. 14- there will be huge savings because less people will use the more expensive emergency rooms. Remember that one?

Truth No. 14- In the most recent Oregon study, 40 percent used the ER more than before ObamaCare!      

Inaccuracy (lie) No.15- ObamaCare will be self-supporting because many young, healthy adults will now have insurance and will be paying for services they won’t use.

Truth No. 15- so far, very few, young uninsured people are going on the website to purchase their new insurance.  And finally,

Inaccuracy (lie ) No. 16- you can keep your  old plan.

Truth No. 16- since everyone’s previous plans do not cover some of the new mandatory provisions, you must switch to another more expensive one, which does include them, even  if you never use these additional “benefits”!

The list of lies, deceptions and outright fraud, by this President, is staggering. 

Only historians will understand how he got away with it.  

Unfortunately, by that time, we may be traveling to Venezuela for our cardiac bypass!

Dr Stephen Morris DDS

North Hills, NY

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