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Reader’s Write: Obama incompetent and destablizing America

The headline in The Williston Times [2/21/14] read: “Obama has turned the U.S. into a dictatorship.”

Not so fast! True dictators, such as Stalin, Hitler and Mao Tse Tung, worked long and diligently to cause world-wide chaos while millions of people were killed. These evil dudes really did earn the title of dictator.

Not so, Obama. At best, he has simply annoyed millions of Americans because of his perceived anti-American policies conceived by an incredibly incompetent human being. 

At worse, based on what some Americans believe, his early religious training, communist indoctrination by his mommy and his fake Christianity by sitting in the pews of Rev. Wrong’s church forms the basis of his actions. [Witness conservative Ted Nugent’s recent rant against Obama that has upset so many on the left. Conservatives would simply say Obama, based on his actions, simply brings out the worse in people].

Obama was simply truthful when he stated that he was going to “fundamentally transform” America. He told all Americans this in advance of the presidential election. And a ton of people voted for him on his hope and change message. Elections have consequences as we have been learning for five years. He has never stated what he wanted to transform America to. What will the new America look like?

Thus, this failed community organizer lawyer has proven once again that when a lawyer enters the national political arena, he or she must have their common sense gene surgically removed.

His actions and policies have demonstrated that he knows nothing about medicine, engineering, energy, job creation, border security, military matters, foreign affairs and a host of other subjects.

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What he does know is how to shred the Constitution of the United States.

And he knew how to stack the IRS, EPA, NSA, FBI, justice department and other federal agencies with like minded people. His and their purpose? To take absolute control of every aspect of American life. It is simply to have in their leftist hands total control of America. 

The latest example of this is how the FCC was going to attempt to put their people in news rooms to “monitor” what the news content would be.

Obama has three more years to further destabilize America. And I suspect those at The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. will endorse this effort.

And as to America continuing to be the most powerful military and economic power in the world and have the respect it once had… Fuhgeddaboudit!

But, cheer up! We have another great leader in the wings who will save the nation: Hillary Benghazi Clinton – She Da Man.

John Messina

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