Was this the beginning?
In a new book written by one Adam Rutherford called “Creation,” a book reviewer in the Wall Street Journal wrote on July 5:
“There is overwhelming evidence that all cells on Earth – meaning life on Earth – descend from a single ancestor, perhaps not the first cell but the only one to leave descendants around today. Indeed, life on Earth may have arisen only once, in the equivalent of what Charles Darwin called a “warm little pond,” way back when our planet was young. This last Universal Common Ancestor, or “Luca,” was around some four billion years ago…”
Now, is this the end? Wall Street Journal on July 2:
“The latest cosmological wrinkle is dark energy, which is speeding up the flight of galaxies from one another. And the great question is whether this dark energy is going to suck the light and energy out of the universe so completely that some day billions of years from now nothing is left: no memory even of Homer, Jesus, Mozart, Elvis or Nelson Mandela, not to mention the rest of us.”
Thus, will the words of Malte Spitz – member of Germany’s Green Party – writing in the New York Times on June 30, be forever lost?
He stated in his article “Germans loved Obama. Now we don’t trust him.” the following:
“Germans have experienced firsthand what happens when the government knows too much about someone. In the past 80 years, Germans have felt the betrayal of neighbors who informed for the Gestapo and the fear that best friends might be potential informants for the Stasi. Homes were tapped. Millions were monitored.”
“Although these two dictatorships, Nazi and Communist, are gone and we now live in a unified and stable democracy, we have not forgotten what happens when secret police or intelligence agencies disregard privacy. It is an integral part of our history and gives young and old alike a critical perspective on state surveillance systems.”
But, then in the Wall Street Journal on July 12, an article called “The NSA’s Surveillance Is Unconstitutional” stated, “If this weren’t disturbing enough, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, created by the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform is compiling a massive database of citizens’ personal information – including monthly credit-card, mortgage, car and other payments – ostensibly to protect consumers from abuses by financial institutions.”
So, do we need the Constitution anymore? I wonder if this little note makes it to the NSA data mining system in Utah?
John Messina
East Williston