Reader’s Write: No evidence of harm in NSA spying

Reader’s Write: No evidence of harm in NSA spying

Here are some items of 2013 in review through my rear view mirror as I am not looking back.

It is fact that as a result of the past few years of the use of phones and the internet, we now live in a world without borders.

Regarding NSA monitoring, of the billions of items, not one instance has been reported of anyone or anything having been damaged, harmed, exposed or whatever. 

Without giving it any thought, it is again the usual trash that makes a big noise. No matter what, the NSA has to stick to its guns and get the job done. 

No evidence supports that anyone was specifically monitored and that it was merely a matter of course. Monitor me, I have nothing to hide. 

Snowden accomplished nothing.

It is clear that those entrusted with securing the Boston Marathon were out to lunch or asleep at the wheel. The two ‘pack mules’ walked in plain sight and dropped off their cargo.

What has so far not been mentioned is that now that Amazon is planning to use drones to deliver packages, a drone could swoop around a corner, drop its cargo on a crowd and be around the next corner before the-should I say bomb-hits the ground. 

All controlled by a jerk with his hand on his joystick-somewhere. Here is a real threat.

What I was saying months ago has not changed: High unemployment, too many people, too few jobs, an outdated system and no one really seems to get it. A four-day, 32-hour work week could employ everyone and the supply of goods and services would still be saturated. 

So-called make-work jobs would serve no purpose and create more pollution. To avoid abuse and be fair, overtime would have to begin at more than 32 hours. 

It is past time to let the 20th Century system be a bygone. Regarding infrastructure, the bridge to the 21st Century has not yet been built. Some don’t need a bridge, they just fly up. 

There is enough for everyone. It is that some who are full of bullion want it all for themselves.

Not long ago I read an article about the Koch Brothers who own a mountain of coke (Koch & coke) which resulted from the refining of the Canadian tar sands piled up across the river from Detroit. 

Their goal was to ship it to third world countries to be used for fuel. The problem is that it is said to be loaded with sulfur and who knows what else. 

More bullion for them and more problems for others. Look that ‘gift horse’ in the mouth. Imagine what would end up in Texas if the pipeline were built.  A recent film depicts what has happened to the bayous as a result of the gas and oil industry.

China was flooding the world with cheap government subsidized solar panels creating problems for other manufacturers. Parts of China has so much smog that people are wearing face masks. 

China should plaster those panels on every available surface and fix its energy problem.

Of all the things I have written about especially those about local government institutions wanting to spend huge amounts of taxpayer money for small and nonexisting problems (I am sure they are not giving it away to strangers), not one peep has been the response. 

Maybe they figure that if they keep quiet, I will go away. This also seems to implicate our higher elected officials who should if they don’t either monitor or have monitored what is said in their local newspapers. Who is protecting who?

Only in one instance has there been a response. 

An individual went berserk because I mentioned raising the minimum wage. Sorry, mister. The minimum wage is on its way up.

Charles Samek


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