From the Desk of Superintendent Katulak: New programs meet Common Core standards

From the Desk of Superintendent Katulak: New programs meet Common Core standards

Welcome back to another exciting year in the New Hyde Park-Garden City Park School District. This year we are continuing our efforts to work with our students to meet the rigor of the Common Core Learning Standards. 

Under the leadership and support of our Board of Education, we are implementing new English Language Arts Programs which are aligned to the Core. 

The Wonders Programs for grades K – 2 and the School-wide Reading Fundamentals Program in grades 3 – 6, both help students to look beyond the who, what, when, and where and answer the why and how questions using text based evidence, which excellent readers do.

As a state-wide educational community, we welcome our new State Education Commissioner Dr. Mary Ellen Elea and are hopeful that her leadership will get us back on track to be leaders in education for our country. 

We are encouraged that a new publishing company has received the new state assessment contract and will ensure that tests are more developmentally appropriate, and that the tests and results will be readily available for instructional purposes. 

Lastly, we are encouraged that the State Education Cabinet is more willing to listen to all stakeholders in creating the framework for our students’ futures. 

September marks the beginning of the journey to another year of promising futures whether our students are four years old or twelve years old. 

It is up to us to provide the best educational opportunities we can. Hard work, dedicated effort and a high degree of motivation on everyone’s part will create the supportive environment for another successful school year.

Good luck and welcome back to all students, staff and parents.

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