Readers Write: Modest proposals to fix America, the world

Readers Write: Modest proposals to fix America, the world

Since this paper had the courage to print my letter describing this Community Organizer’s [a.k.a. the Commander-in Chief] anti-American policies, the following is how the military would act after they took over.

These actions would be done simultaneously and not in sequential order.

1. They would contact the president of Mexico to immediately release from prison U.S. Marine Andrew Tahmooressi who mistakenly crossed into Mexico.  

If they, the Mexicans do not, we will shatter their economy.  

First, we would stop all money transfers from illegal and legal immigrants who send money to family members in Mexico. Also, all trade between our countries will end.  Also, they must pay Andrew’s mom  $250,000 USO for her mental anguish and to take care of Andrew’s medical  bills.

2. There is a minister in prison in Iran who converted from Islam. He is in prison with ISIS prisoners who have said they would kill him. 

He must be immediately released and returned to his family unharmed. If not, our military will use drones and other assets to destroy Iran’s only refinery thereby further adding to their declining economy.

3.  The Palestinians are living in hell on earth because they voted in Hamas to lead in Gaza.  

Per the Wall Street Journal on 8/15/14: A Ballot-Box Test For

The Palestinians: “But elections can bring change…Let them vote.”  

If they vote Hamas out.. .help Israel destroy all the tunnels into lsrael. ..dismantle all the rockets…America will aid them economically…Big time! We will provide them with billions of dollars in aid…analysis of their economic game plan by Americans…travel visas to the U.S… and other goodies.  [We will then double Israel’s military and economic aid].  How we do this later.

4. We will return our military budget, as a start, to where it was before Hagel and Obama started to destroy our military. And it will grow as the threat to the West and America increases.

5, In the September 2006 IMPRIMIS essay [Hillsdale College] and article entitled freedom and justice in Islam stated: “As Osama bin Laden puts it: In this final phase of the ongoing struggle, the world of the infidels was divided between two superpowers- the United States and the Soviet Union. 

Now we have defeated and destroyed the more difficult and the more dangerous of the two.  

Dealing with the pampered and effeminate Americans will be easy…They can’t take it. Hit them and they’ll run. All you have do is hit harder. 

This seemed to receive confirmation during the 1990s when one attack after another on embassies, warships, and barracks brought no response beyond any words and expensive missiles misdirected to remote and uninhabited places, and in some places-as Beirut and Somalia- prompt retreats.”

No more bombing an aspirin factory with the result of killing a night watchman. 

Now, If a firecracker goes off in a New York subway, we vaporize Medina.  

Another 9/11 type attack on America, we vaporize Medina and Mecca. This is your final warning not like the Israelis advising the Palestinians in advance when and where the next attack is coming.

Pampered and effeminate? Try us.

6. Our border with Mexico is essentially wide open to the world because this community organizer is not interested in the security of the United States. 

So, we will not use the National Guard to patrol the border. These people are engineers, electricians, doctors, etc. who are needed in their communities particularly in this declining economy. 

Thus, we will use troops from the 82nd Airborne and 101st Airborne Divisions to patrol this southern border. A snail will not get through. The border is closed. Period.

7.  For illegal persons  living in America, we know the vast, vast majority have come to America for a better life for your family. 

Totally understandable. However, we want to know how many of you are here…where you live….what jobs you hold…how long you have been in the U.S…If you provide this info to officials in your community, we will develop a system for you to legally stay in America and a process to be developed for a path to citizenship. America does not have the facilities or desire to roundup of millions of you for deportation.  

You must advise those who want to try to illegally come to America now to forget it.

8 All state authorities must evaluate all the regulations that the EPA, IRS, SEC and other federal,state and local authorities have issued and what positive and negative impact they have had on our economy. 

We will then create an evaluation team to decide which regulations to keep, modify or eliminated in order to kick start this declining economy.

9.  Billions of dollars each year are used to fund many different organizations in D.C., such as HUD, IRS, SEC, etc.  We will develop an evaluation team to determine if these organizations should be modified or, in fact, be eliminated saving much needed funds for other activities, such as a stronger military.

 10. We spend a large percentage of our tax dollars to protect our nation and the world. We will encourage our allies to honestly evaluate their defense fund budgets and, hopefully, increase these funds for our common protection. 

For instance, Putin outfoxed Obama by Obama not implementing a missile defense system in Poland. 

When we move ahead on this project, we will request that they chip in on maintaining the system.

11 Fresh water is the liquid of the 21st century. In California neighbors are spying on neighbors who are violating usage laws. Midwest drought has impacted food production. In Detroit poor people are not paying their water bills. E. Williston and Williston Park are in a battle over water rates. 

Thus, water is important to the welfare of individuals and the economy, we will direct the federal government and industry engineers and scientists to develop an anticipatory monitoring system to trigger action whenever key variables upset the nation’s water system balance.

Desalinization, strategically positioned, will have to be part of the mix.

12. Who wouldn’t want to capture the “free” energy generated by the sun, the wind and ocean waves.  However, we must be realistic.  Nuclear, oil, gas and hydro are here to stay for some time as these alternate energy sources become competitive.

Thus, a government/industry team has to evaluate our existing energy system in the U.S. including the most important grid system.  It must identify the weak spots and what has to be done to keep the system up and running based on possible disturbances. This is one major undertaking.

A major possible disturbance would be an EMP attack.  From The Wall Street Journal [8/13/14]: “…warned that an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, is the most significant threat to the U.S. and our allies in the world.  Our food and water supplies, communications, banking, hospitals, law enforcement, etc.. all depend on the electric grid.  

Yet until recently little attention has been paid to the ease of generating EMP by detonating a nuclear weapon in orbit above the U.S., and thus bringing our civilization to a cold dark halt.”

So, with that nut job in North Korea, possible nukes being taken from Pakistan’s arsenal by the jihadists in North Pakistan and Iran getting ever so close to building their own, we must be on our toes.

The above is a partial game plan to defend our nation and its principles. The fund-raiser-in-chief has not a clue.

John Messina

East Williston

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