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Readers Write: Manhasset students near top in math

With the release of the April 2013 ELA and mathematics tests results, Manhasset’s third through eighth-grade students ranked second in proficiency among all Long Island school districts.  

This year’s assessments are a first for students as the expectations were changed and were designed to measure the Common Core learning standards. 

As anticipated, the shifts in the assessments to measure the Common Core standards resulted in a reduction in proficiency rates statewide.  

In a letter from the commissioner of education, John King wrote, “I want to make it very clear that the change in test scores (including possibly one in your child’s score) does not mean that students are learning less or that teachers and schools are performing worse than last year. The proficiency rates – the percentage of students meeting or exceeding the standards – on the new Common Core assessments cannot be compared with last year’s proficiency results since the old scores are from an old test based on the former standards.”

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Please access Commissioner King’s complete letter to all parents and families via the link accompanying this article on the district’s website:  

Dr. Charles Leone,

Manhasset Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction

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