Readers Write: Mainstream media distorts conservatism

Readers Write: Mainstream media distorts conservatism

Wait a minute Dr. Morris: 

1 – I heard you are in favor of gun registration? That’s right. But aren’t you a member of the NRA? Yes I am. 

2 – You believe in banning the sale of some assault weapons? Yes I do! But aren’t you a Conservative Republican?  Yes I am !

3 – You said you believe in extensive background checks? Of course. But, you co-founded the Nasssu-Queens County Tea Party? So? 

4 – Aren’t you against abortion? Yes, but with exceptions like rape, incest, the health of the mother. That’s impossible, aren’t you pro-life. Yes I am!  I consider “late term” abortions infanticide! 

5 – How can you be against the death penalty if you are a conservative?  Even for the worst among us like Bin Laden and the Cleveland kidnapper, I believe that only God can take a life! 

6 – Do you favor a ban on birth control?  Of course not. Just fully guarantee everyone’s religious beliefs!

But I read in the New York Times, that all of you pro-life’ers are against all abortions!” And “I heard on NBC that all you NRA members were for unrestricted gun ownership” And I read in Newsday that the Tea Party believes that birth control should be banned?” 

And didn’t Rachael Maddow say that all you right-wing radicals, are Christian Fundamentalists. And didn’t Chris Matthews say that all you Conservatives were for the death penalty?  What’s going on here? Who do I believe? 

It’s very simple. The mainstream media has convinced all of you, that on these polarizing  issues, we are all the same. We adhere to one doctrine, one set of rules, one policy, no exceptions. That way, its easier to stigmatize and hate us. We are not all the same! Some Progressives are not in favor of gay marriage or unlimited abortion either. 

I bet many of you have never heard of Kermit Gosnett. Let me tell you a little bit about him, since our main stream media, with the exception of  Fox, The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press, has chosen to ignore this case. 

But I warn you, it’s really gruesome. Kermit Gosnett (I can not even call him a doctor!) is the Philadelphia “abortion provider,” who was just convicted of murdering a woman during a botched abortion, as well as killing, (that’s right, killing) dozens and dozens of children who emerged from his late term, abortion procedure still alive, 

Many nurses witnessed his brutal methods of killing these live, late-term babies using a scissors or a scalpel. 

1 – why haven’t pro-choice advocates come forward and stated  that a baby born alive during an abortion, must be saved?

2 – why haven’t woman’s-rights groups come to the aid of the family of the woman who died under Dr. Gosnett ‘s  brutal care?

3 – where are the healthcare advocates condemning this horrific medical treatment of our poor,uneducated women? 

4 – Why aren’t children’s advocacy  groups publicly condemning this obviously terrible treatment of infants. 

5 – why are those in adoption services refraining to voice their opposition. And 

6-  why weren’t all pro-choice advocates publicly stating that this monster should be  removed from society? 

Pro-choice advocates: do not let your concern that if you condemn this convicted killer, you will compromise your entire position. Do what’s right! 

After seeing the sonograms of our new granddaughter, due in August, how can anyone not love and adore any unborn child?

Forgive Kermit Gosnett and all those who support late-term abortions?

I’ll leave that to God. 

I certainly can’t !

Dr. Stephen Morris 

North Hills

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