In the Dec. 5 issue of the Great Neck News, Ms. Elizabeth Allen writes about Ruth Tamarin and the many nice things she accomplished in her tenure as a park district commissioner.
This is no surprise to us, as Elizabeth has been a strong friend and supporter of Ruth over the years.
So we wonder why, now that there is no time for a response to her letter prior to the election, that she (Elizabeth) takes Ruth to task for indicating support for a particular candidate?
She admits that Ruth, “has been fair, honest and courteous throughout”, so where does “her heavy hand on this election’s scale” come from?
Isn’t Ruth doing what she has been all these years? Working for the betterment of the parks?
Would it be better if she said nothing . . . when so many of us have come to trust her so completely?
Why not continue praise for her efforts even though she’s no longer a commissioner?
The answer is not that hard to figure out. Elizabeth is supporting a different candidate, that’s why, and thinks by smearing Ruth that her candidate will somehow look better.
There’s a real irony here. And that is that we have a full field of outstanding candidates, and whomever we end up with as our new commissioners, we will be in good hands, with persons endeavoring to do a good job and make a name for themselves.
Shame on you Elizabeth, for taking the low road!
Michael Flamhaft
Great Neck