As retiring trustee of the Port Washington Public Library, I endorse Bill Keller in the trustee election on April 12.
Bill will serve our library and community with great distinction and integrity. He is conscientious, fiscally responsible and sensitive to the needs and concerns of our community.
Bill is vice president for finance and administration of Queens College.
His professional experience includes responsibility for facilities management, human resources and technology.
Bill has the distinction of having grown up in Port Washington. He is a Schreiber High School graduate, a lifelong library user, an active school district parent and devoted father, and member and supporter of many community organizations.
Bill Keller will bring new strength and vision to our library.
Please join me in voting for Bill on April 12 and for voting “yes”for the library budget. I also highly recommend a vote for Nancy Comer, a current trustee running for re-election.
Myron Blumenfeld
Port Washington Public Library